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Breast care basics: a guide to non-cancerous lumps

Finding a breast lump can be unnerving as often we jump to conclusions and worry that it could be breast cancer. Even though, in the last 40 years, breast cancer survival in the UK at ten years or more from diagnosis has increased from 40% to 78%, breast cancer is still seen as a life-threatening disease.¹

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Do I need a biopsy? Choosing the right treatment for fibroadenoma

Being diagnosed with a breast condition can be traumatic for anyone, especially if you have never even heard of the condition before. If you have been diagnosed with a fibroadenoma, you are probably keen to find out more about the condition and what your options are for treatment. You might not even know if you need treatment or if you actually want it. In light of this we’ve compiled all the necessary information you need to soothe your mind.

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Find out how the vacuum assisted biopsy is done

Guided with ultrasound

Guided by stereotactic

Guided with MRI

Descubre cómo se realiza la biopsia asistida por vacío

Guiada con ecografía

Guiada por estereotaxia

Guiada con resonancia

Ανακαλύψτε τον τρόπο εκτέλεσης της βιοψίας υπό αναρρόφηση

Οδηγείται με υπερήχους

Καθοδηγούμενη από στερεοτακτική

Καθοδηγούμενη με συντονισμό

Découvrez comment est réalisée la biopsie assistée par le vide

Guidé par ultrasons

Guidé par stéréotaxie

Guidé avec résonance

Ontdek hoe de biopsie met vacuüm is uitgevoerd

Guided with ultrasound

تعرف على كيفية إجراء الخزعة بواسطة التفريغ الهوائي

الموجهة بالموجات فوق الصوتيه

Upptäck hur vakuumassisterad biopsi utförs

Ledd med Ultrajud

Ledd med Stereotaxi

Ledd med MRI

Scopri come si esegue la biopsia vuoto-assistita

